* Austad, Jay <austad at marketwatch.com> [001008 17:11]:
> At cs.umn.edu, were you only sniffing traffic going to/from your border
> router(s), or were you sniffing *ALL* internal traffic?  

Right now we only watch (since this is not capture, but stats and some
data) border traffic, because NFR doesn't have a GigE product.

Airvox (sp?) is supposedly going to have a GigE capapible IDS box.
Another amusing product is some of the stuff toplayer has that is going
to be putting flows into an sql database. :)

Not enough time to talk about it all right now, ill type some stuff up
in a few weeks when I see more of it.

Disclaimer: I dont speak for the University of Minnesota, I am speaking
in context of professionals conversing information. 

Scott Dier <dieman at ringworld.org> #nicnac at efnet 
http://www.ringworld.org/  finger:dieman at destiny.ringworld.org

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