I just installed Helix Gnome on my PC at home and have been pretty
happy with it.  I was using KDE before and find Helix better if only
because it returns me to the old familiar double-click behaviors!

BUT I'm having one show-stopper that keeps me from switching over.
Gnome doesn't seem to have a nice modem manager like KPPP (they have a
modem lights applet, but it doesn't do any modem or connection config,
so is pretty losing by comparison).

I'd be happy to keep using kppp with gnome but, at least with sawfish,
this doesn't work.  Why?  because kppp is supposed to be swallowed by
the task-bar, leaving a display and a place to click to close the ppp


1.  Is there an alternative gnome app that provides as much function
    as kppp does?  (Is gppp-wvdial a good alternative?)

2.  Alternatively, is there some way to make sawfish be more clever
    about the way it treats a kde app like kppp?  
