I have just had a Polaroid PhotoMax Fun Flash digital camera bestowed upon
me, only to discover that (aside from being a cheap model which will probably
serve only to get me hooked on digital cameras so that I have to go buy an
$800 model a month from now...) it's not supported by gphoto.  A google
search only turned up a bunch of reviews for the camera which happen to have
links to "linux" sections on them; none even mention linux within the article
itself.  And, although I've found a Kodak-Digitalcam-HOWTO, there doesn't
seem to be a HOWTO on digital cameras in general.

Can anyone suggest some other places to look for information on getting
images off of this particular camera working without having to descend
into the underworld of Windows?

"Two words: Windows survives." - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
"So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin." - Matthew Alton
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