
 I thought the M64 came
> out after the TNT2 as the lower cost version from the TNT family. The only
> difference in the cards is the memroy, same TNT2 chipset.

This is as I understand it as well - that the M64 antidates the Viper 770 
series. It is correct that the 16MB Viper 770 is an OEM card, but if you 
check Diamond's site, you'll find that the Specs for the Viper 770 say 
"Nvidia TNT2 chipset" - there is no M64 mentioned.

Obviously, I'm trying to avoid the M64 at all possible costs. It sounds like 
a pretty crippled design, from what I read.

Bill Layer
Sales Technician
<b.layer at vikingelectronics.com>