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(So U Want 2 B) Clue Game!

Since people have been saying that one game a week isn't good enough for
them, I'm going to call another continuous scoring Clue Game for this
weekend.  Note that the scoring system will likely be 'tweaked' some prior
to this.

SUNDAY, 3:00 PM EDT / noon PDT / 8-9? CET
server: -p 4566 / 4577 (4000/5000)
again, teams will try to be relatively balanced and continuous scoring
be in effect.

-Kevin/Akira/Modem Tzu

(note: I'm not the only person who makes decisions on the algorithm to
be used for scoring, so if you've sent comments regarding the scoring I
can't make any promises that they'll be used.  I have forwarded along all
suggestions, though)