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UofM PPP package

I don't know if anything was ever decided or acted upon regarding the suggestion that we get together a ppp setup package specifically for the UofM to help linux users who are not blessed with ethernet, but I have setup a connection using slackwares pppsetup tool. I have attached the scripts that were built (the ppp-go script was a bit bloated, lots of checks that aren't needed with the U) so I've included a trimmed version. I am, by all means, not a ppp expert, so if you notice anything that needs to be changed let me know. Obviously the userneme and password will need to be changed and the modem specific stuff; init string, device, etc. but the rest of it should work. We'll need a script to allow the user to enter the specific info. If I get time I can probably write a bash script to hack it, although the perl programmers out there could probably write a prettier one.

Hans D Umhoefer (
