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Re: [TCLUG:3819] U of M dial up....the Saga Continues

> I had hoped to be able to report on the success of my U of M Dial-up
> unfortunately I can only report a partial success. I got it to connect
> on Saturday, but when I came back to it on Sunday to give my user account
> acess to ppp it wouldn't connect. This is what was in /var/log/messages
> after my failed attempts. I beg your pardon in advance...I'm writing
> from memory:
> ATAZ *70, 8525252
> ^M
> expect CONNECT
> ^M
> alarm
> failed
> exit

Well, when you get the chance, do a cut-n-paste of your ppp session from

A couple of questions:  Do you run RedHat? (I'll assume you do for the
rest of this..)  When setting up PPP, what program do you use?  Have you
tried the PPP/SLIP/PLIP section of LinuxConf?  Did you do a "custom"
dial script, or the default RedHat script?  (The default script won't
work, BTW..)

I just installed a new motherboard, and I haven't put in my modem, so I
can't help a whole lot.  However, I remember that the U has a somewhat
unusual connection routine (although it really isn't any worse than any
other ISP..)

IIRC, it goes something like this:

<CONNECT message>
<type username>
<type password>

Then there's a prompt of some kind..  If you use minicom or another
terminal program to walk yourself through it, you can type 'help' (I
think) at the prompt, and it'll tell you what you can do.  A script
would have to enter something simple like 'ppp' or 'start-ppp' or
something to tell the system that you actually want a ppp connection,
rather than slip or just a basic telnet-like interface..

At that point, PPP negotiation would begin, so you could disconnect and
type whatever you need into the PPP chat script..

Hope it helps...
.------ ----- ---- ---- --- --- -- -- - -  -   -    -
|               Mike Hicks | Linux User Since: 1.2.13
: |
`              icq:6883760 | Current Kernel: 2.2.0