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xterm"ish" type question...

Hello all,

I just added "wterm" to my system.  It's a transparent type xterm for window

Now, when I use that, or the original rxvt that I was using before, my
backspace and delete keys don't work.

Now, I know how to tell it to use them if they give me a "^something"
character.  But in this case, they both give me a "~" echoed to the screen.
This really confuses
things, because naturally, it thinks I want my home directory, etc.
(~/something, etc...).

Poking through some docs I have, I found out how to see "exactly" what the
system is receiving when I hit either key.  They both are "^[[3~".  When I
try "stty erase ^[[3~" it doesn't work, and I've tried closing it in with
ticks, quotes, etc.

Anyone ran into this before?  Any pointers on how I might resolve this
annoying little problem??


Scott K. Johnson