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Re: [TCLUG:2927] Easy question


You'd posted to the TCLUG list:
> How do I give a user rights to read, write, etc. in a directory?
> For instance, if I log in as root I can edit my html and php3 files in
> /home/httpd (the web site under apache / RedHat). But I cannot do this if
> I log in a rseymour.
> I want to give rseymour the abilty to read, write, add and delete (files
> and directories) in /home/httpd. How do I do it?

To give a user rights to read/write/create/distroy files in a directory,
you need to change the owner and group of that directory and all the files
it contains.

Run "/bin/ls -lad ~rseymour" (you may need to run this as root)

The output should look something like:
        > drwxr-xr-x  64 rseymour users       11264 Dec 24 10:40 .
                                  ^^^^^ <-- "users" is the "group name"
Then, enter the following commands:

        $ su                 ** become root
        # cd /home/httpd/rseymour
        # find . -print | xargs chown rseymour.users
                                               ^^^^^ <-- Use group name from above

Hope this helps,

     /|   |                                   |
  \'o.O'  |    He's dead Jim.  You get his    |  Steve Siegfried
  =(___)= |    phaser, I'll get his wallet.   |
     U    |                                   |