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Re: [TCLUG:2829] run program for a while, then kill

If I wanted to ping the list server for 3 minutes, I could go

csh -c "ping &; sleep 3m; kill -KILL %%"

The & puts the ping process in the background.  Then we sleep for 3
minutes (see man sleep(1)).  Then kill %%, the job that most recently went
into the background.  The bash shell doesn't like to see & followed by ; 
so I used the C-shell.  If you want to return to your shell prompt and you
don't want to see output from the command (or if you're using it in a bash
script) append >&/dev/null& to the end of the line.

To answer your question:  I don't know the _best_ way.

On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Ben Luey wrote:

> What is the best way to run a program for a set duration and then kill it?
> I was to run a packet sniffer at certain times and not manually kill it at
> the right time. 
> Thanks,
> Ben
> Ben Luey
> ICQ: 19144397
> I am not a vegetarian because I love animals, I am a vegetarian because I hate
> plants.        -- Unknown
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