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Re: [TCLUG:2623] slow telnet

The reason it takes so long is probably because it is trying to 
resolve the machine you are telneting from via DNS, but can't
contact the name servers because you are not dialed in.   So it
is waiting for the DNS requests to time out.  It doesn't seem to
matter if you have this machine in the hosts file or not.

You can fix this by changing /etc/nsswitch.conf to not include
dns in the "hosts: files dns" line, if you don't DNS on the 
dialup machine.  If you do, that might get kind of annoying
when you are dialed up.

There are ways to set it up without telneting into the machine,
but I haven't used any of them so I won't be much help there until
I go look more and implement something on my machines.


On Mon, Dec 07, 1998 at 08:22:54PM -0600, Serge M. Egelman wrote:
> hi,
>     I finally got my router up and running.  For a while I've been having
> problems with scripts and pppd, so I found this cool program called wvdial.
> It works great.  However I now have to problems:
> 1:  in order to dial on demand, I need to either telnet in to the routing
> box or physically run the program from there.  Is there a way to run it with
> having to launch telnet each time?  This wouldn't bother me so much if it
> weren't for my second problem:
> 2: when I launch telnet, it takes literally 2 minutes to connect!!  In
> reality, it should only take a second or so.  Is this a routing problem or
> what?  I am able to launch telnet from that machine and telnet to itself
> either by putting in 'localhost' or by the dummy ip (in this case
> thanks,
> serge
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Shawn T. Amundson           

"The assumption that the universe looks the same in every
 direction is clearly not true in reality." - Stephen Hawking