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Re: [TCLUG:2592] Mounting filesystems
First... What kind of cdrom do you have, If it's an ide cdrom then the
device name is probably /dev/hd* depending on which ide controller you
have it on and whether it is a master or a slave drive. (Mine is /dev/hdc
I have an ide cdrom as master on the second ide controller) I don't have a
/dev/cd0 just /dev/cdrom which is a symlink pointing to /dev/hdc but
things may be different on different distributions.
As to the floppy, it probably doesn't have and iso9660 file system on it.
try ext2 or msdos or vfat
Hope this helps
You wrote:
I tried to mount the floppy and cdrom, and this happened:
mkdir /usr/floppy
mount /dev/fd0 /usr/floppy -rt iso9660
fails. I may be using the wrong filesystem. The drive led goes on, the
drive activates, but then fails.
mkdir /usr/cdrom
mount /dev/cd0 /usr/cdrom -rt iso9660
fails. Doesn't recognize cd0. Should I make dev cd0?
Hans D Umhoefer (