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Window manager/environment rec.

Hi again,

My computer lab is nearly ready to go, but I have two lingering

1. Given my hardware situation (486DX-33, 16 MB RAM, 512k video RAM w/
older 14" monitors that limit me to 640x480 resolution), what window
manager/desktop environment would you recommend that would be lean in
terms of RAM and be easiest for non-Linux types to use. Currently I'm
leaning toward IceWM, but I'd like to get your thoughts on the matter.

2. Is it possible to effectively "clone" they machines? While it's not
terribly difficult to do many simultaneous installs, it would be great
if I could get one machine working perfectly and then somehow copy that
to all of the other machines somewhat automatically. Luckily the
machines are basically identical, so I would have a limited number of
changes to make for each one. Any ideas?


Timothy Wilson		 |  Powered by Linux  |      Check out:
Henry Sibley High School |                    |
West St. Paul, MN  USA	 |  Proud Linux user  |	 |    since 2.0.32    |