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Re: [TCLUG:2085] WordPerfect 8

in the server edition, you get "wp7 for character terminals" which is more than
just WP for console, it is also workable on dumb terminals.. :) :)

On 07-Nov-98 Michael Hicks wrote:
>> Hey! I grew up on character-mode WordPerfect!!!
>> Some say WP 5.1 for DOS was the best one they ever made. I don't know if I'd
>> go that far, however, but some people do...
> Hmmph.. I'd _much_ rather have a console version of WP51 for Linux than
> the beast of WP7...  I hope WP8 is better, otherwise I'll be stuck using
> either StarOffice 5.0 and LyX, I think..  Probably LyX..  or maybe
> HTML..
> Is it too much to ask to get a word processor on Linux that doesn't
> crash?  And one that doesn't lag when you type in the letters (like
> WP7)?
> *sigh*
> BTW - Am I the only one that has had problems with WP7?  Or does
> everyone think I'm just imagining things?
> -- 
>                     --== Mike Hicks ==--
>                         ICQ:6883760
> Linux User Since 1.2.13            Current Kernel: 2.1.125
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Thank You,
        Ben Kochie (

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