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Re: [TCLUG:1906] Shell Script Question -

>>>>> "UserCx" == UserCx  <> writes:

    UserCx> In a message dated 98-10-25 16:07:10 EST, you write: <<
    UserCx> #!/usr/bin/perl
    UserCx>  while ($line = <STDIN>) { $line =~ tr/\r//; print $line;
    UserCx> } >>

    UserCx> how about the same thing as : perl -i -n -e"s/\r//" file1
    UserCx> file2 ....

Boy, emacs really screwed that up...I would do the latter but with the 
following change:

	perl -i -p -e 's/\r//' [filenames...]

You need the -p to actually print the changes -n only changes $_, but
doesn't actually do anything with it at the end of the while(<>) loop.
