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Re: [TCLUG:1872] Is this hard to do?

Sometime around the 20th of November in 1998, a certain Ben Luey said:

: The other is to have my e-mail signature show a random quote from a list
: each time I send an e-mail. I don't know how to do this, except that it is
: the same concept as with the web/cgi script.

I did this once with pine and a bash script .. did it the
stupid-easy-but-it-works way ..

I put the quotes in a delimited text file, then made a fortune database
out of it. Then I wrote a bash script that would create a .signature file,
calling fortune, and putting the fortune (random quote) in with the rest
of my normal .signature.

Then, to have it regenerate every email, I put a system call to my bash
script inside the pine message-sending source code.

A kludge, but it works.

I don't know if I still have that version around. That was a few months
ago (I got sick of the quotes).

| Josh Becker                   - aka -                     JellyD |
| email:                      IRC: EFnet, DALnet |