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Re: [TCLUG:1777] directory sizes
>>>>> "Hans" == Hans Umhoefer <> writes:
Hans> On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Andrew McCulloh wrote:
>> Be sure to use back ticks: ` not '
Hans> Ahh, I see. Cool trick.
The back ticks create a subshell and execute the ls -d */. in it. If
you are using bash you should be able to do the same thing with
du -s <(ls -d */.)
I tried this from my home directory and got the following:
shaft:~$ du -s <(ls -d */.)
0 /proc/self/fd/63
Now cat <(ls -d */.) gives the right results--got to dig deeper on
this one.
Hans> du -s */.
>> This works but there is a problem with it. You can see the
>> difference between this and my solution by doing
Hans> Hmm, odd. ls */. and ls -d */. give quite different output
Hans> but du -s */. and du -s `ls -d */.` give exactly the same
Hans> output. I ran the commands in /usr/local so there are a lot
Hans> of directories below the current one.
As you can see above du -s is pretty odd. I wrote my 1st response
before actually trying du -s */. My response was based on what I
expected to happen given the difference between ls */. and ls -d
*/. But this didn't happen--because of the odd interplay between a
file list and what ls does with it. To see how your shell interpolates
*/. type
echo */.
and see what you get.