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Re: [TCLUG:1804] Reinstalling -- How should I partition?

On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Ben Luey wrote:

> Is there any reason not to just have one large partition if you have one
> hard drive? I have a 6.4 gig hd and I'm only using it as a workstation, so
> why shouldn't I have
> /hda1  /   6.3gig
> /hda5  swap 100meg (or 64 or whatever)

I've found that my /home partition is more likely to become fragmented
than my root partition, as is /usr/local. Thus, putting them on different
partitions allows me to keep my root partition at almost 0% fragmentation,
I believe things move a little quicker (filename completion and such). In
addition I can't defragment my root partition while Linux is running, even
in single user mode (it has to be unmounted first). Thus, to defrag my
root partition I have to use a special boot disk, which is kind of a pain.
So, by exporting my directories I can keep a handle on fragmentation.

Just my rather long-winded $0.02.


Hans D Umhoefer (