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Re: [TCLUG:1804] Reinstalling -- How should I partition?

Sometime around the 16th of November in 1998 thought it would be cool and said:

: > Your swap partition(s) should always be in the first partition, as it is
: > closest to the center of the disk and has the fastest response. 

:      Even better: Buy more RAM. 

: At this point I'm sorely tempted to go buy one of those cheapo IDE
: drives and install it for nefarious swap and RAID purposes...

I'd say that buying more RAM is the easiest alternative. I've got 88mb in
my machine, and I can run two X sessions (one local, one for exporting)
each with choice of window manager, netscape, and some apps (gimp,
wordperfect) along with all my servers (quakeworld, realvideo,
httpd+jserv, etc) and the frequency the machine uses swap space at all
(other than the ~30k or so of stuff X puts there when it loads) is
practically nonexistent. 

Needless to say, this is nice ;)

I'll be upgrading this machine to 128mb as soon as I can afford to (I'd
need to buy some ram for an additional machine at the same time, so I'm
putting it off.

| Josh Becker                   - aka -                     JellyD |
| email:                      IRC: EFnet, DALnet |