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RE: [TCLUG:1781] DNS server timing out

The strange thing is that with my current configuration files, it was
working fine.  It just all of a sudden stopped working.

I did the ls you mentioned and I see:

[root@spot rc3.d]# ls -l |grep named
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           15 Mar 22  1998 S55named ->

I changed the S value as you suggested.

I have tried just starting named via the command line, but I'm still
getting the error I mentioned before where it thinks there is already
a name server running.


---Ben Kochie <> wrote:
> no parameters are needed, but unless you know now to configure
> and other named config files.. it may still not work properly.
> in your /etc/rc.d/rc3.d direcotry check ot see what named is set to
> ls -l | grep named
> you may show up with a file like this
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           15 Aug 19 01:05 K10named ->
> ../init.d/named
> you want this to be a S90 file
> mv K10named S90named

Jennifer McNitt
Rosemount, MN
SCA: Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth

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