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NT + Linux?

Does anyone have experience with both of these coexisting?

I've had it with NT! First it wouldn't format a 4 GB partition I had 
allocated for it using NTFS, so I had to creat two 2 GB partitions for NT 
and allocate the remaining two for Linux. Next we installed NT first, 
since we didn't want it writing all over the MBR. Finally we installed 
Red Hat 5.1 and put LILO in the MBR, and added NT as a boot option. Linux 
booted fine, but NT came up with the famous blue screen with a large hex 
dump. Is there some easy way to have these two coexist?

I thought the NT boot loader couldn't boot linux... But LILO could boot NT

We have NT in the first 4 GB and Linux in the last 6 GB of our hard 

the partition is as follows:

/dev/hda1   NTFS (WIndows NT)    2 GB
/dev/hda2   FAT-16               2 GB       
/dev/hda3   Linux swap           127 MB
/dev/hda4   Linux root partition 5.5 GB

I'd appreciate any tips! The last resort is getting Windows 95 which 
coexists pretty well.



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