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Re: [TCLUG:1152] cable modems from mediaone

Ben Kochie wrote:
> that reminds me of the other DSL bonus.. USWest is having a little bit fo
> software trouble.. if you buy the 256K package, they can't restrict it to
> 256K.. so until they figure it out.. you will likely get 640 or so.. depending
> on location.
> yes.. you are right about the 8 IP's with USwest service.  from what i have
> seen the IP's arnt static, but are dynamicaly requested by the DSL box.. so as
> long as the DSL box turned on.. you will keep the same IP's.. (time to get a
> UPS :)

You can also switch to static IPS through the account management page on
US Wests website. It's another $15 month. They sure know how to get
their money! <g>