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where to put Tcl?

Hi everyone,

It was cool to see some of you at the Linux conference. Christopher
Palmer and I (and the rest of the T shirt winners) are figuring out the
best way to show off our new Caldera shirts.

Quick question: I've downloaded and I'm going to be installing the
TkStep program. It's a widget set for Tcl that's supposed to be a NeXT
look-alike. Anyway, I need to install Tcl8.0 first. Where in the
directory tree should I put TkStep and Tcl? I've got a lot of stuff in
/usr/local/src, but I'm not sure if these development tools should go
there. Ideas?


Timothy Wilson		 |  Powered by Linux  |      Check out:
Henry Sibley High School |                    |
West St. Paul, MN  USA	 |  Proud Linux user  |	 |    since 2.0.32    |