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Laptops, anyone?

Greetings, fellow Linuxers!

I'm thinking about getting a laptop to run Linux on, so I can hang out
in the coffee shops while I do my computer art programming (some of
which you can see at

I've been eyeing that VA Research laptop
(, but I really don't want
to spend that much money; it seems to me that I should be able to get
something for around $2K.  Plus, I'd rather have an installation based
on Debian than Red Hat.  But ... I'm really worried about finding a
laptop that will work with Linux, especially the video.  I'd be a lot
more comfortable buying something that I knew someone got to work with

Does anyone have any laptop experiences to share, positive or negative?

| Forrest Cahoon      | |------------------------------|
| 850 21st Ave SE     |----------------------| Only unbalanced people       |
| Mpls MN  55414-2514 |                      |        can tip the scales... |