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Re: [TCLUG:734] Printers

Scot Jenkins wrote:
> Clark Whiting wrote:
> > This concerns me as more printers are moving towards this methodology
> > making integration into non-Windows OS's extremely difficult.
> Like they say, if the box says "designed for Win95" stay away...

It would be nice if it were that easy, but that would pretty much rule
out all the hardware that's out on the shelves.

You just have to do homework before purchasing peripherals, and let your
dollars speak for you.  If you get one of these dogs that requires Win95
drivers just to load the ink or something silly like that, then return
it and tell them why (no flexibility, Win95 OS requirement)  Then buy
one that's documented to work with Linux, or at least one that doesn't
need goofy software to do something as basic as loading ink.

It won't make a HUGE difference right now, but as Linux spreads and
gains market share these companies will start to notice that these
software-driven things are selling less & less while their competitors
are selling more.  Eventually they'll get it.  I say when we have, say,
20% market share or so they'll notice they're excluding 1/5 of their
potential sales.  It's just a matter of time.  

Then they'll either:
1) Stop making the lousy things so dependent on Windoze, or
2) Actually write Linux drivers for the printers.  Wouldn't that be
