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RE: [TCLUG:607] Mixing Alphas and x86s

On Mon, 20 Jul 1998, Brad DeJong wrote:

> Some sites with fairly good reps include (this is far from   
> all-inclusive):

I have decided to no longer do business with Aspen Systems (
due to exceptionally poor treatment on my last major order (about $50k of
big servers).  The sales reps stopped returning calls.  Accounting never
called back when I had a dispute on the bill.  The servers were shipped
in the wrong chassis. etc etc etc.  It was just a REALLY bad experience.
If I hadn't already had the hardware in my hands, I would have cancelled
the order.

I have been working with an Alpha company called Puget Sound Data
( and their sales people have been extremely helpful and
actually bother to return phone calls.

> > alpha processor models
> > 21064, oldest, fairly slow per mhz
> > 21066, step up.. still kinda slow
> > 21164, current wide available CPU.. very fast
> > 21264, still in beta *AFAIK*  will beat the pants off of a PII :)

Thw 21264s will be out in August and should be available for purchase at
the clone vendor level in September.  They make me drool.

Robert Hayden	       UIN: 3937211
IP Network Administrator
MEANS Telcom			(612) 230-4416