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Re: [TCLUG:548] Linux with Adobe PhotoShop - Is it a good idea?

On Wed, Jul 08, 1998 at 05:52:48PM -0500, Christopher Reid Palmer wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Jul 1998, Bob Nolte wrote:
> > I'm wondering if there are any Linux users who are using Adobe Unix products
> Not likely -- Adobe Unix stuff runs only under Irix (and -- I think -- 

just to let you know, adobe acrobat reader is available for linux, i just
used it a little bit ago.

> Until Adobe wakes up to Linux, we'll have to gimp along with The GIMP.
> (Give it a run and you'll see why they call it that. Sad to say, The GIMP
> has a long way to go.)

a good 80% of the people who use adobe could easily get by with gimp, they
would hardly "gimp" along.  gimp is an incredibly powerfull program and has
many pluses over adobe.



--------- ---- --- ----- -- --- -- -   -    -      -
Sys. Admin.		"If two people love each other,
UNIX Freak			there can be no happy end to it."
Hardware Tech.
Beer Consumer		-- Ernest Hemingway
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