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Re: [TCLUG:564] Standard Newbie Dialup problem
On Tue, Jul 07, 1998 at 03:13:11PM -0500, Kapoor, Nishikant X wrote:
> Check if ur modem is OK (try it in Windows).
> Assuming it is OK,
> Run pppd with -debug option.
> Post some output from /var/log/messages.
another thing you might want to try is 'dip', in test mode. i have used
this quite a few times to find out what was going on, and even used to
use it exclusivly to log in to my isp. basically, from the prompt, type
'dip -t'. from there you will get the dip prompt. at the prompt type
'port /dev/modem', to tell it which com port your modem is at, and then
type in 'term', this will stick you into terminal mode, where you can type
in at commands. i've always just typed in a generic init, ex 'AT&F&C1&D2',
and then type in the isp's number 'ATDT<insert phone number>'. from here
on it is all manually done, you must enter in the correct info to log in.
this will tell you if your script is set up correctly, or if you are
getting dropped even before you can send the info. after entering all the
info just exit term with a '^]', it will then kick you back out to the dip
prompt, where you can type 'default', and 'mode ppp'. after all of this
you should be then at the command prompt, and after a bit looking at
'ifconfig' should show your ppp connection. if it does not, and you made
it all the way through entering the info, then i would make sure that you
have the hosts file set up correctly.
now that i think of it, there is a dip_guide out there somewhere that could
help you to, that is if you decide to try dip.
dont know if this will help or not, but it might be worth a shot. good
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