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Re: [TCLUG:361] Re: Fwd: [TCLUG:352] Promoting Linux to businesses

Thanks, Scott.  That is the most realistic (excluding the joking part :))
evaluation of the situation.  My concern is that I don't want us to
come across like those door-to-door salespeople who sell certain
religious beliefs.  Most people don't take them seriously, and that
could happen to us.  We need to handle user's needs respectfully
and take into account that there are many people for whom Linux
simply not be an alternative right now.  As you say, maybe sometime
in the future, but not now.  It doesn't matter in these cases that
Linux is a superior OS.  It does matter if a person can't run their
specific apps.

You may be correct that West is running UNIX in their data center,
and that is why I said that I think Linux' strongest selling point
in many cases may be as a server.


On Tue, 9 Jun 1998, Scot Jenkins wrote:

> Face it, it's a conspiracy.  Micro$oft is out to take over the world. 
> Just look how NBC is proudly stating that they are "home of the Olympics
> for the next _10 years_".  We all know they're in bed together.  We can
> bitch all we want or we can let it go and try to spend our time
> constructively to make Linux a better OS.
> I checked out Westlaw, only 95/NT software...imagine that.  But I know
> that they run UNIX boxes behind some of it.  We should be happy that
> hidden away in those data centers, in the places most people never see,
> where the _real_ work gets done, is some flavor of UNIX.  I'm just happy
> to have Linux to help me do my job, which is to work on those big UNIX
> boxes.  I'd be lost without Linux.  I can't count the number of times
> it's come through for me.
> As far as apps go, there's always gonna be those hard to find apps.  I
> guess you can't please everyone all of the time.  Eventually some of
> those more obscure apps will surface.  Hang in there and keep the faith.
> -- 
> Scot W. Jenkins <>
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