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Re: [TCLUG:361] Re: Fwd: [TCLUG:352] Promoting Linux to businesses
Yes, I have Rosegarden and MuTex. However, with limited free time
and my focus on making music as per my lessons, I find that the
Win95 environment provides easy to use programs that I use rather
than the other way around.
I think Linux' strengths lie in the server and networking area.
I agree that the music side can be developed. I have struggled
with this. Being a software developer myself, I struggle with
how to spend my time. Should I jump in and help develp the music
apps for Linux or take advantage of the fact that I now have a
guitar instructor that I can truly connect with and achieve the
musical goals I have so long wanted to attain? I have chosen
the latter. There are always tradeoffs, but my musical
priorities win out this time. Maybe when I am done with the
lessons, I can change focus a bit to working on Linux music
apps. Linux is certainly capable of hosting these.
On Tue, 9 Jun 1998, Axel Boldt wrote:
> Anthony Beltran <> said:
> Anthony> Again, I am an avid Linux user, but find it necessary
> Anthony> to run Win95 when creating music.
> Have you really researched all the free alternatives that exist on
> Linux? I remember having heard about a new project creating the "gimp
> of music" a while back; I also believe there are several free music
> notation systems out there, some of the TeX based. They may not be as
> slick as the commercial alternatives yet, but the more people use,
> criticize and improve them, the faster they'll catch up.
> Axel
> --
> Axel Boldt ** **
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