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mem vs. swap

While fiddling around on my linux box I herd a lot of hard drive access
so I check the mem vs swap numbers.  I found that my mem was 12% full
(I've got 96 megs in now), and the swap was at 38%.  Usually I'm at
about mem of 40 and Swap near zero.  What could cause such an
imbalance.  Even now with the system having sat idle for about 10 mins
I'm at mem 31% and swap 21%.  I'm I funadmentally misunderstanding the
mem/swap thing?  Thanks.
Ry4an Brase - - 612-623-9946
'If you're not a rebel when you're 20 you've got no heart; if
 you're  not establishment when you're 30 you've got no brain.'