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RE: [TCLUG:179] A Linux newbie needs some advice

Jeez Bob, if you are a newbie I must be some kind of worm!

I thought Ben had a great idea in his presentation last meeting ( I thought
it was his idea although there were many smart people sitting all around
me ).

Go through /bin and with the help of the man pages identify what each file

Everything in Unix is a file; which contains a small script, or a text file
of variables, or a file that acts as a link to another command or alias to a
file, or ( I am sure I forgot what else a file could be but the file can
usually be identified by name, directory details and/or opened up and
understood ).

The MS family installs by splattering hidden unreadable files onto a
harddrive nilly willy, while its processes are controlled by an undocumented

Unix on the other hand is neatly laid out with an underlying logic, with
files that are meant to be altered by humans.  This is what it means to say
MS is a closed architecture and Unix is an open architecture.

After /bin directory look at /etc for files that contain and/or control
environment and behavior.  In your case start becoming one with
/etc/inetd.conf .

Remember gui's are for pc weenies!  Keep to the command line.

Some commands to use while seeking enlightenment:

ls -l	directory with details
cd ~		change directory to root / home.
cd ../	change directory up one level
cd ./	and down one level (I get confused here /\)
man <topic>  	help manual <topic>
man man		help help
cat <file> |more	type <file> to screen with dos \p flag
:q			while reading a man page or cat file, quit
:b			while reading a man page go back a screen

ps -ef		what processes e.g. daemons are running
kill			stop the process

updatedb		build a database of all files on computer
locate <file> |more		locate where <file> is with \p flag

alias		why not?

Well this is all about as accurate as a bad reporter so would everyone
please correct my errors and mis-statements here, and add what is missing.

For example a description of what the ls -l output means, such as rwx, hard
and soft links, permissions etc?

How about is the Registry MS's version of initab?

What is it about NT's kernel that does not allow to scale?

Is it important that a newbie understand that UNIX is a four letter word and
vi is an abbreviation?

Unix IS user friendly. It's just selective about who its friends are.
-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Patten []
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 1998 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: [TCLUG:179] A Linux newbie needs some advice

On Tue, 12 May 1998, Bob Nolte wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been involved with computers for over 30 years. I think I'm pretty
> with DOS, Windows, and NT but want to know as much as possible about the
> Unix OS family.


> Right now, I don't know what to do to mount a CD disk, which gives some
> as to how much ignorance I have as to how Linux really works.

mount /mnt/cdrom
umount /mnt/cdrom

> Here's my questions. Given that I've been able to get this far...
>     What's the best way for me to learn the Linux OS from the ground up

I started by buying the Red Hat 4.2 CD with the installation manual.  That
described enough of the Linux tools to get me going.  Then I went to the
HOW-TOs, located in /usr/doc/HOWTO and /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini.  Then I
started browsing the Web and Usenet newsgroups.

>     Is there a newbie group within TCLUG focused on people like me and
> mentored by someone
>         who knows what's going on?

Not to my knowledge, but that's a great idea.  We should have a test
machine for people to experiment on, too.  I'll donate a B/W VGA monitor
and a 486 motherboard/CPU with 20 megs of RAM.

>     I'd like to rebuild the kernel, just for the drill. Not sure how to do
> this properly.

The HOW-TO on kernel compiling is very detailed.  If you just want to see
what a kernel rebuild is like, do this:

cd /usr/src/linux       <- changes to the Linux source directory
make dep ; make clean   <- prepares for a clean compile
make zlilo              <- rebuilds and installs kernel (takes a while)
                           and updates the lilo boot loader.

For more info, the Red Hat Installation Guide has a good chapter on
building a customized kernel.  Their procedure is safer than my little
example because they show how to make a backup of your original kernel in
case your new one doesn't work.  I don't have that info with me right now.

>     Eventually, I'd like a Linux gateway to the internet. Maybe run a POP3
> mail server.  Good Idea?

That depends on your needs.  If you want to have multiple computers
connect to the Internet over a single line, then a Linux gateway/firewall
can be a safe and effective way to do it.  If you have a lot of e-mail to
organize, than a Linux POP3 or IMAP4 mail server with fetchmail/procmail
can collect and sort it for you.

> I've been lurking around in the e-mail for TCLUG for the past month or
> and most of it is over my head at the moment. I need a guide dog.  Any
> help
> would be greatly appreciated.

I bet a lot of people in this group are just getting started.

> Regards,
> Bob Nolte

Carl Patten

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