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using the Unix version of messenger...

Hello, I am writing from up in the north woods... I am
running Mandrake 7.0 on a K6-2 233 with 15.3G's HD and
128 Megs of ram. (All on a PA-2005 MoBo and a 33.6
Hayes accura modem,..)
I set up an account on Yahoo mail to avoid conflict
with my wifes NS mail (she programs out of our home on
a WIN box and we share the phone line), so I attempted
to set up 'messenger' on yahoo. It ran once after I
successfully opened the tarball and set messenger up.
However I now encounter a problem with resolution of
server address '' is the default, but I
cannot for the life of me find out why this is in
conflict. Anybody encounter this... or is it just the
fact that the Unix version of messenger is still in
beta... and I may need to download the source binaries
instead? Thanks in advance.

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Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.