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Help with ISO image download

I wonder if anyone on the list can give me some advice about
downloading ISO images to burn.

Specifically, I am downloading the ISO image for redhat 6.2 on SPARC.

I have downloaded this image both from linuxiso and from the tc-lug

I have to download it on a Windows NT box, but have taken the
precaution of downloading it both using Internet Exploder and using
ftp from cygwin.

No matter what I do, I consistently see the following checksum:

5edc291f205ed9ba67a50d877499d479  redhat-6.2-sparc.iso
5edc291f205ed9ba67a50d877499d479  zoot-sparc.iso

Sadly, this does not agree with the advertised checksum:

98c28bb250a3ce6a923a3c3db3906b37  zoot-sparc.iso

So, my question is the following:

1.  Is there something about NT that is causing me to download
    inaccurately?  That seems unlikely, since I get the same result
    using ftp through cygwin, where I could be sure that the copy was
    binary mode and that Microsoft wasn't doing something "helpful"
    they didn't tell me about.

2.  Could this be a problem with md5sum on Windows NT (cygwin), so
    that the image is OK, but the checksum is computed in some deviant
