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Debian install woes (cont.)

Hey everyone,

I'm still hitting the wall getting Debian installed on my new
system. I'm trying to do a network install, but I keep running into
trouble configuring the network. Here's a recap of what I've tried:

* I've tried using DHCP on three different networks: a cable modem, and two
different subnets at school.

* I've tried three different NICs: a TrendNet card using the tulip chipset,
a TrendNet card using the RealTek driver, and an EtherExpressPro/100
card. All have exactly the same problem.

* I downloaded a network boot disk for Mandrake 7.1 to see if it was a
Debian problem. I selected DHCP for configuring the network and got:

"SIOCSIFFLAGS: Resource temporarily unavailable"

* I've tried the most recent Debian boot floppies and also a handy CD-ROM
that I got from that meathead Ben. :-)

* Everything works fine in Win98.

* I downloaded and installed Storm Linux 2000 from an iso without a
hitch. I'd didn't get around to configuring the network though.

I'd try my bootable business card, but I've got a 48x CD-ROM drive and I
don't want to send the CD spinning out of control.

System details:
* Asus A7V m/b with 800 MHz Athlon
* 30 GB IBM ATA-100 disk (plugged into slower IDE port until I get the
ATA-100 kernel patch installed)
* TrendNet NIC (DEC 21140 chipset)
* Matrox G400 video
* USR PCI modem (hardware, not winmodem)
* Creative Live! soundcard

I'd appreciate any advice on this. I'm not sure what to try next.


Tim Wilson      | Visit Sibley online:         | Check out:
Henry Sibley HS | |
W. St. Paul, MN |                              | |   <dtml-var pithy_quote>     |