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Apache access problems

This should be a simple problem for anyone who's fmiliar at setting up
Apache.  I've got a default install of Apache on my server.  The "It
worked" bit comes up so I know I've got the basic stuff running.  When I
create the public_html directory in my home, doing a /~pete/ brings up a
403 forbidden error.  I've got full read and execute permissions in my
public_html/ directory.  Is there an extra line I need to throw in my
access.conf?  All the docs I have are pretty sketchy on Apache.  All I can
ever find when I look for docs on Apache is "this is beyond the scope of
this document.  Check the Apache docs for further info".  The thing is, I
can never find these magical docs.  Everything I find is telling me to
check the docs without telling me where they are!!  Even the man pages
don't help me.  Does anyone know where I can find these magical docs on