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RE: [TCLUG:22943] tuxracer

I got glxinfo and gears working, but when I try to compile the latest
version of xlock with the GL screen savers, I get:
gcc -o xlock xlock.o passwd.o resource.o  utils.o logout.o mode.o ras.o
xbm.o  color.o sound.o ant.o ball.o bat.o blot.o  bouboule.o bounce.o
braid.o bug.o  clock.o crystal.o  daisy.o dclock.o demon.o drift.o eyes.o
flag.o flame.o forest.o fract.o  galaxy.o geometry.o grav.o  helix.o hop.o
hyper.o  ico.o ifs.o image.o julia.o kaleid.o  laser.o life.o life1d.o
life3d.o  lightning.o lisa.o lissie.o loop.o  marquee.o maze.o mountain.o
nose.o  pacman.o penrose.o petal.o puzzle.o pyro.o  qix.o roll.o rotor.o
shape.o sierpinski.o slip.o  sphere.o spiral.o spline.o  star.o strange.o
swarm.o swirl.o  triangle.o tube.o turtle.o voters.o  wator.o wire.o world.o
worm.o  cartoon.o  escher.o gears.o morph3d.o superquadrics.o  buildlwo.o
pipes.o pipeobjs.o  sproingies.o sproingiewrap.o s1_b.o  s1_1.o s1_2.o
s1_3.o s1_4.o s1_5.o s1_6.o blank.o bomb.o random.o  -L/usr/X11R6/lib
-L/usr/X11R6/lib  -lSM -lICE   -lXpm -lGL -lGLU -lgl -lX11 -lXext -lm   
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGLU
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [xlock] Error 1

It also cannot find -lgl.  Programs that are linked against work
just fine.  Why can't my gcc find it?  I've done an ldconfig and it had no
effect.  Any ideas?

BTW, gears runs at over 600fps in the default window size and 110fps at
1280x1024.  Sweet.


-----Original Message-----
From: Morgul Nazgul []
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2000 3:40 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [TCLUG:22943] tuxracer

On Sat, 21 Oct 2000, Austad, Jay wrote:

> I'm still having trouble with mine also, except I have an Nvidia Geforce.
> I know I'm missing some libs because glxinfo dies with a missing lib
> and I can't compile things that use opengl.  Quake and terminus won't even
> start either.
> If I remove glut and mesa from my system completely, what do I need to
> and compile or make links to to get it all working right?  Do I have to
> the dri module with the geforce?  What other modules?
> Jay

  Which libraries are you missing?  In case you didn't know about the
command 'ldd <filename>' will tell you.  When I upgraded from 3.3.6 to
4.0.1 I removed ALL of my old "*" and "*" libraries.
Only keep "libGLU*" and "libglut*" around.  Depending on where you like
your libraries, I put them in /usr/lib.  Also, just incase any old
programs were linked to   "*", you might want to make some
symlinks to "" as  well.  Then make sure you have "/usr/X11R6/lib"
(or where ever the XF4 libraries are) in and then run
'ldconfig'.  After that, try 'ldd glxinfo' again.  I appologise if you
already know how to do this.
  As far as which modulse to load, you need to load the DRI module if you
want to use 3D acceleration.  If you are only planning on running 3D apps
under root, then you do not need that extra section for DRI that specified
permissions.  I found out about that in README.DRI, which for me, was
under "/var/X11R6/lib/doc".  Be careful about some of those docs though,
they aren't completely accurate.  Also, has a link to
"libGLU", glide3x w/ DRI support, and a couple other things.


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