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Re: [TCLUG:22981] Cisco 675 woes

On Sat, Oct 21, 2000 at 07:42:05AM -0500, Jay W. Anderson wrote:
> Gabe -
> I just went through this last weekend.  My Cisco booted up to that 
> message after I moved it, so I had to wipe the old IOS & install 2.2 
> luckily I still had dial up access...
> es 0 -> es 6

The following three are not valid RMON commands.  I can't get to the cbos
prompt, if you recall.
> set nvram erase
> wr
> rb

I've done this, but when it reboots to setup the CBOS, I get that same

> df 10008000 (XMODEM File Transfer) 
>     RECORD file size x'fered
> pb 10008000 fee00000 <RECORDED File Size>
> let'r rip...

Any other suggestions?  Anyone?  This sucks :(

Thanks for the help so far,

Gabe Turner				       |  	   X-President,
UNIX Systems Administrator,		       | Assoc. for Computing Machinery
U of M Supercomputing Institute for	       |    Univerisity of Minnesota
Digital Simulation and Advanced Computation    |

"I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman 
 church, by the Greek church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church 
 that I know of.  My own mind is my church."
						- Thomas Paine