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Re: [TCLUG:22990] Services needed

On Sat, Oct 21, 2000 at 09:42:34AM -0500, Jay W. Anderson wrote:
> MTA (sendmail, qmail or the like)

Probably wise...  (Take a look at exim, too.)

> DNS (caching or otherwise)?

If you've got your own domain, you'll probably want to run your own primary
DNS for it and get Real-Time (or one of the free DNS services) to do
secondary for you.  Just read the DNS-HOWTO; it's not difficult to set up.

> proxy? (squid )

*shrug*  If you're into that sort of thing.  I don't feel a need for a
caching web proxy, but I do run a filtering proxy (junkbuster).  Hardly
necessary, though.

> possibly www & ftp (not anonymous) at some point (apache & one of the
> 	ftpd's  )

Yeah, you're probably going to want an httpd, and apache's the tool of choice

If you don't want to offer anon ftp and you're running ssh[1], take a look at
sftp.  It's basically just the ftp protocol run over an ssh connection.  Very
nice, friendlier than scp, and with all the security of ssh.  And it's not

[1]  You've probably heard it from Amy already, but, just in case, here it is
from me:  DON'T run a telnetd unless absolutely necessary.  Run sshd instead.

"Two words: Windows survives." - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
"So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin." - Matthew Alton
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