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RE: [TCLUG:22943] tuxracer

I'm still having trouble with mine also, except I have an Nvidia Geforce.

I know I'm missing some libs because glxinfo dies with a missing lib error,
and I can't compile things that use opengl.  Quake and terminus won't even
start either.

If I remove glut and mesa from my system completely, what do I need to grab
and compile or make links to to get it all working right?  Do I have to load
the dri module with the geforce?  What other modules?


-----Original Message-----
From: Morgul Nazgul []
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [TCLUG:22943] tuxracer

Is this with xfree 4.0/4.0.1? If it is, try 'glxinfo' and see which
renderer it is using.  If it says "indirect" then it is using software.
Also, the table displayed at the botton should be fairly large.  The
'glxinfo' program can be found at  You should check
to make sure you are loading the "dri" module and that the permissions in
the XF86Config for dri is set as well.

Here is part of mine (I have voodoo3 though):

Section "Module"

  Load "dri"
  Load "GLcore"
  Load "glx"

  SubSection "extmod"
    Option "omit xfree86-dga"

  Load "dbe"
  Load "xie"


# Sets DRI permissions for all users
Section "DRI"
  Mode 0666



On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Yaron wrote:
> On a related note, anyone get the GL drivers and nVidia working well under
> RH7? I've got them all installed but OpenGL apps are _s_l_o_w_. Yes,
> there's only one libGL*, and it's nvidia's. Yes, I've loaded the kernel
> module. Yes, I'm loading nvidia's glx module for X. Yes, I'm using Driver
> "nvidia" and not "nv". (;
> -Yaron

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