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RE: [TCLUG:22812] Licensing of NT in a linux vs nt whitepaper

Oracle works sweet under linux, however, Sybase is another story.  We were
using it for one of our sites for awhile and it had some issues.  It would
die for no reason sometimes, and sometimes take 99% of the CPU, even when no
queries were executing.  Didn't take much to tip it over.  

I've been looking at postgres lately.  It's a true RDBMS, and it has some
sweet features.  IMHO, I don't think MySQL can really be compared with
postgres or MS SQL.  MySQL is nice for small projects, but lacks many
features, and if you're worried about data integrity, especially after a
power outage or whatever, mysql is evil.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Schneider []
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 11:23 PM
Subject: RE: [TCLUG:22812] Licensing of NT in a linux vs nt whitepaper

> Since I have never really used NT for anything, I am not sure I totally
> understand the licensing agreements.
> I am writing a paper comparing linux to nt from a cost prospective

The following is a couple years old and doesn't speak directly to
licensing issues, but it may still be helpful.

Providing Reliable NT Desktop Services by Avoiding NT Server:

> Doing a similar thing for Postgres vs MySQL vs MS SQL server vs MS Access.

What about Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and IBM (DB2)?  I've seen rumors
that the free version of Sybase works well under Linux...

> MS Access seems to say single user, so as a db backend to a busy website,
is the
> NT box the 1 user? 

Licensing issues aside, (IMHO) MS Access shouldn't be used as a
repository for mission critical data.  What happens if (when) the MDB
file becomes "corrupted"?


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