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Re: [TCLUG:22806] Linux HTML Editor

Austad, Jay wrote:

> Do you want something that does the html for you, like frontpage or
> dreamweaver?  Or do you want something that just does syntax highlighting?
> Cooledit is a great editor, but it won't write your html for you, it just
> does highlighting.
> I don't know of any decent dreamweaveresqe programs for linux.  I'd take a
> look at either or for one.
> Jay
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Tanner []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 10:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: [TCLUG:22806] Linux HTML Editor
> Besides using emacs or vim :-)
> What are some GUI html editors for linux?
Open Office 6 has an HTML editor built in. you can even swith between 
HTML view and WYSIWYG modes. Be warned though that you will want to go 
back over the code when you are done to clean it up a little. I haven't 
used the 'openoffice 6' that much yet but that was the case with the 
'star office 5.2' version.

Good Luck. BTW, who thinks Dreamweaver should be opensourced? ;)))

Dave Erickson {}