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Establishing Directory Permissions for FTP Uploads

Hello all.

I am using Mandrake 7.1 w/kernel 2.2.15-secure and Apache 1.3.12-12mdk to 
learn more about serving web sites. Anyway, I have created a user -- Fred for
purposes of this conversation -- specifically for administering the web site.
Fred only belongs to one group I have created - "web." I can upload files to
Fred's home directory without a problem.

I've created a partition -- /www -- whose sole purpose is to be the directory
where all web sites are kept (i.e. all Apache document roots lead to some
point in this directory). I created this when I installed Mandrake.

The problem is that root is both the owner and group that has control over
/www. Thus, Fred is unable to upload anything to /www. I have used chmod to
change file permissions in the past, but can not seem to properly use it to
change the owner and group controlling /www. How do I do this?

P.S. Just to be clear, /www is a partition just like /var and /usr that was
formatted during the Mandrake install. My intent here is noty only to create a
"box" that if some were to break in to, they could go no further than the /www
partition but also cut down on the necessity of logging is as root. Thank

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