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Re: [TCLUG:22533] GUI mail client

> What about XFMail?  I used it for awhile, but it was kind of confusing, it
> ended up eating my inbox one day.  

I couldn't get that thing to compile when I looked at it.

> > Balsa is ok, but there are definitly better mailers. Balsa uses libmutt.
> > libmutt is on bad crack. Maybe someday I'll learn enough C to write my own
> > client. By that time something that does everything I want will probally be
> > out though. ;)

it looks like there's been a *lot* of people with that same ambition. one of
them even joked that writing one's own mail client was some sort of a rite
of passage for programmers.

I think the mutt people have it right when they say "all mail clients suck,
but this one sucks less."

Carl Soderstrom
Network Engineer
Real-Time Enterprises
(952) 943-8700