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Re: [TCLUG:22353] Slackware/Caldera/Installfest/kPPP

On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 10:44:11AM -0500, Austad, Jay wrote:
>Is anyone bringing Mandrake to the installfest?  
>>From what I've found, Mandrake has the most complete setup for all of the
>window managers that get installed, everything is in the menus already, and
>you can choose from about 8 different window managers on login.

Debian has all this and more.

>Plus, it has a ton of goodies that don't normally come with other distros.
>nmap, aterm (modified rxvt that has all the features of Eterm and a small
>memory footprint), 

Debian's got it :-)

>colorized gcc so compile errors and warnings are

Not this by default but who cares.

>, vi with syntax highlighting, and a ton of other cool things.
>Mandrake was originally based off Redhat, but they've since gone their own
>way.  The install is nicer than Redhat's, in fact, on install it will
>download and install crypto packages like OpenSSH, OpenSSL libs, apache with
>mod_ssl, cryptographic kernel extensions, and other stuff (you have to
>choose Expert install for this). 

Debian does this too. 

> You can also install ReiserFS on install
>and format partitions with it, except it won't set up your initrd to load
>the ReiserFS module on boot, so your /boot and / still have to be ext2.

You don't need an initrd to have / on reiser if it's compiled monolithically
into the kernel. And if it's not then why bother doing it on install? There
are debian install disk sets to do this very thing linked from resiers home
page. I would have used it for my laptop but it doesn't support pcmcia and
since that is how I'd install It. So I am gonna mount my netinstall iso and
hack it.

>I still use Redhat on servers, but mostly because Dell sucks and ships their
>servers with proprietary RAID cards and they only have a module disk for
>Redhat.  For the last year or so, I've been using Mandrake for a general
>desktop machine and it works excellent.

You need a custom install disk set that only has the appropriate drivers for
your controllers to keep the kernel from oopsing on boot. I had to do this
when I got tired of the redhat on my dell servers at my last job. I looked on
debian's mailing list archive and found a link to the install disks and I was
up and running in no time.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Blake []
>Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 10:18 AM
>Subject: [TCLUG:22353] Slackware/Caldera/Installfest/kPPP
>Someone bring a copy of Slackware and RedHat to the installfest, I need a
>(burned) copy of 
>both...Caldera didnt come with minicom, and kPPP doesnt dial right. Someone
>told me that 
>Slack comes with minicom.
>Heres a log of what kPPP does:
>ATZ ;turn on modem
>OK ;response from modem
>ATDT6122527007  ;dial
>OK  ;response from modem
>After that, kPPP insists on sitting there and pooping on itself...(I have an
>external modem btw) 
>-Blake (Pizza is Linux compatable)
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Ben Lutgens  Work: 612.379.5941 Cell: 612.670.4789  Home: 651.703.9541
Systems Administrator Sistina Software Inc.

Internet Explorer (n): Another bug, that is, a feature that can't be turned
off, in Windows.  See also: monopoly. 

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