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Re: [TCLUG:22317] SUSE 7.0 is available now!

"Thomas T. Veldhouse" wrote:
> There have been all sorts of bugs reported about it.  They even out did
> Microsoft on this one :)

Are you going by what was posted on /.? From what I hear the bug list is
not as bad as it sounded. The insider info from RH (yes, I do have my
sources) is that there are only 250 list bugs right now in the database,
and half of those probably aren't even real bugs.

> Upgrades ended up formatting hard drives - glibc wasn't even remotely
> compatible to many apps.  Many things simply broke.

Haven't had a problem yet. User error?

> People mention that they can't wait to try SUSE, but they might wait for
> their laptops to recover from Redhat 7.0.

I'm not really saying the RH7 is great, (I do love debian) but it's not
as bad as people are saying it is. All of RH .0 releases have been
'bleeding edge', but that is because they push the envelope. Remeber
when they released it with glibc? Everyone complained and thought they
we're stupid for doing so. But then everyone else joined. Stick with 6.2
if you want stability. Or go with debian, but if you want the latest and
greatest RH7 is really pretty good.