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Re: [TCLUG:22234] Monthly meeting needs beer <web grrls>

On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, Ben Kochie wrote:

> awww.. oh well.. late 20's isn't bad, married is not so fun tho. 

Right.  Married isn't good.  But late 20's is fine w/me, since I'm an old
man of 28.  Heh.

We're awful chatty today.  Must be a slow week or something.

Here's an attempt to make this message somehow related to Linux:

I'm getting my "AT&T Broadband" (nice name, AT&T marketdroids) cable modem
installed next week (finally!).

Anyone have any experience with setting up a Linux box to work with
these?  I'd like to use a Linux box as a IP masq/NAT router for the
other machines in the house on the home LAN.  Anyone else doing this?

Chuck Milam