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hypermail takes forever?

Hey all...

I'm trying to convert a mail archive to hypermail, and am wondering why
it's taking so damn long. 

The single mail folder that I fed to it is just under 600k, and 
has approximately 1500 messages. It's been crunching away at 98% of the
PII-300 CPU for over 90 mins, and still hasn't finished. 

I ran it on a P-III 500 with a much smaller mail folder, only about 10
messages, and it still took over a half hour. 

Does this jive with anyone else's experiences? 

The command line I'm using is: 
[soup:~/tmp]$ time hypermail -p -m ~/tmp/soup-data -d /home/soup/docs/hypermail -l soup-data

Are there other choices I could try besides hypermail?

