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Re: [TCLUG:21990] Computer stores in the Twin Cities?

> General Nanosystems (nanner b*tches) is good.  very good.
> Tran Micro (don't have a funny name for them yet...) is right next door to
> Nanners, and they're pretty good too.  Mr. Tran is a really cool guy, very
> intelligent.  His family is very nice.

My impression of General NanoSystems is that the geeks behind the counter
are very clueful (putting the prices up on the whiteboard must have been
their idea). the management and the clientele worry me, tho.

Tran Micro has a very clean, friendly environment, with very competetive
prices. They're the place I'd definitely go for components. (in fact I
probably will go there, if I ever find a need to upgrade.. I'm much more
comfortable driving a distance and paying a few dollars more [which often
is rather balanced by not having to pay shipping costs] to do buisness with
a Real Live Person and handle Real Goods before I pay for them, than trusting 
some mail-order company.

as always; YMMV, caveat emptor, and don't run with scissors.

Carl Soderstrom
Network Engineer
Real-Time Enterprises
(952) 943-8700