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windows fdisk crash-can't recover windows

Ben, I'm an ultra newbie.  Brain dead moron of a newbie, but I have gone
through what you're going through about a million times.

If you can, try to re-install Linux using EXPERT mode.   I know what
you're thinking, just flow with me for a second because it works for me
EVERY time and I've had the exact same messages you've had trying to
reinstall Doze.

When you get to the disk partitioning section, pick 1 Meg for the swap
file, about 11Meg for the "/" and for the rest of the drive, select
FAT32 or DOS partition or whatever the Linux install partitioning
hoodingus allows.  I usually pick the grow-the-disk-to-max selection.

When it comes to selection of what you want to install, select the
individual package switch.  Mandrake 7.0 will let you select/deselect as
many packages as you want.  DESELECT EVERYTHING except the kernel
(follow your nose through the package lists and you'll find Kernel as a

Select YES to formatting and fixing bad blocks.  Let her rip until it's
finished installing.

When it gets to the end and the reboot stuff, let it reboot, log in as
root then type halt.

Stick your Doze CD in the drive.  Turn that Sony back on (then maybe
quickly stick the Doze CD in). F2 to BIOS and select auto config for
your hdd and select boot from the CD for your boot sequencing.  At the
start, select start with CD ROM support and you should get a C: and
sometimes, I get an A: prompt with what's left of the drive.  Run FDISK
from the CD and you should be able to regroup and at least make a
primary partition.

Try to reinstall Doze even if all you have is the A: drive it will
reformat it and after THAT format, you should get your MBR and be able
to rerun fdisk to get the whole drive (less the tiny Linux partitions)
back to reinstall Doze.

It's bizarre and pretty ridiculous sounding but it's worked for me quite
a few million times.  Blanket apologies if it doesn't work, but shoot
before you spend a few hundred bucks, at least give it a try.

Ken Russell